Dear Fellow Republican,
For months now, you’ve been bombarded by text messages and emails, TV ads and radio spots, yard signs and flyers in the mail. And finally, the primary election is upon us.

As you probably realize by now, a Republican primary election, unlike a general election against a Democrat, is not about the issues. My two primary opponents and I, each running for the privilege of representing the citizens of District 22 in Congress, rarely disagree on the key issues that are at the forefront of voters’ minds.

All three of us are politically conservative and support Donald Trump for President. All three of us want secure borders and to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants. All three of us want lower inflation and a stronger economy. All three of us want energy independence and a strengthened military. All three of us want to support Israel and to stop the indoctrination of our kids.
So what is the primary about? How do you differentiate among Republican congressional candidates? How do you decide for whom to cast your vote?

As you go to the polls next Tuesday, ask yourself four questions:
  1. Why is each candidate running for Congress?
  2. What is the character of each candidate?
  3. Which candidate has the background and experience to be most effective in Congress and the ability to FIGHT for the issues and for the values you hold dear?
  4. Who can actually beat the long-time Democratic incumbent, Lois Frankel?
Why is each candidate running for Congress?

I am running for Congress for one simple reason. I believe we are losing not just our great country but we are losing Western Civilization. The far-leftist ideology that I saw personally take over my own daughter’s school in New York City has taken over nearly every institution of our country. 

I never had aspirations for politics nor was I ever involved politically before my Brearley letter went viral and helped ignite the national parent’s movement and the fight against woke education. Like so many of you, I came to the realization that we desperately need good people fighting for our shared values, to reclaim our institutions and to save our country. That is my mission.

Dan Franzese is running for Congress because he has wanted to be in politics since he was a congressional intern in college. I honestly have no idea why Deborah Adeimy is running for Congress. 

What are our backgrounds and who has demonstrated a willingness to fight?

Our primary race is unusual in that all of three of the Republican candidates have finance backgrounds, not the usual legal backgrounds of most members of Congress. However, my experiences are very different than my opponents. 

I began my career at the Federal Reserve and have written dozens of articles critical of monetary policy and excessive government spending. I wrote a finance textbook, entitled “How to Be an Investment Banker” for the largest textbook publisher. I am a former investment banker, self-taught software developer, have started several businesses, and have been involved in my family’s chemical distribution business.
My opponents both spent their entire careers at large financial institutions, Adeimy as a financial advisor and Franzese, selling private placements. Franzese bills himself exhaustively as a “successful businessman,” but this is deceptive. In reality, his sole business experience is limited to a small travel blog that his wife created. 

As I always mention when I give my campaign speeches, my professional background is not why I am running for Congress. I am running because of my activist experience. 

I was one of the first people in the country to have the courage to speak out publicly against the woke insanity that has taken over our education system. I helped ignite and have been a leader in the national parent’s movement. I have written op-eds for major publications, including for the Wall Street Journal, where I was likely the first person to properly define the words “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion” in an op-ed entitled “Inside the Woke Indoctrination Machine.” I have been interviewed by prominent journalists including Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly and Bari Weiss. I host a podcast called “Take Back Our Schools” and have advised countless parents and parent groups across the country. 

Long story short, I am the only candidate in this race who has been on the frontlines of the culture war and has demonstrated the courage and willingness to fight against leftist ideology and for the foundational Judeo-Christian values upon which our country was founded.

What are our characters?

I am a firm believer that you can judge a political candidate’s character by the type of campaign he or she has run. From the very beginning of this race, I have focused my campaign on telling my story and on the important issues affecting our country. I never wanted to get dragged in the mud with a negative campaign. 

My opponent, Deborah Adeimy, though on a limited budget, has also run an honorable campaign. This same cannot be said of Dan Franzese. 

Franzese, I am told by people who have been involved in Republican politics for decades, has run the most negative campaign they have ever seen in Palm Beach County. His campaign is replete with attacks, lies and character assassination of both myself and Deborah. From the beginning of this race, he’s lied about me being a Democrat, lied about my ties to China and lied about me hating Donald Trump. 

I think we all agree our country is sorely lacking good, moral people in politics. Let’s start by fixing this problem in our own district.

Who can beat Lois Frankel?

Of all the questions you should be contemplating about the three of us Republican candidates, this one is the most crucial. Which candidate can actually beat Lois Frankel and flip our district red?
Lois Frankel is one of the most progressive members of Congress and is reported to be Nancy Pelosi’s best friend in Congress. She will be running for her 7th term, but she has never had a competitive race for Congress. 

Here’s the makeup of our district. Based on voter registrations, we’re approximately 39% Democrat, 29% Republican and 32% Independent/NPA. 

To be competitive with Lois Frankel, you MUST do three things: win 60+% of the Independent votes (that’s the only way the math works), resonate very strongly with Jewish voters (CD-22 is likely the most Jewish district in the entire country), and raise millions of dollars in donations (the only way to compete with an entrenched incumbent). 

I am the only candidate in this primary who can do ALL three of these things. Neither of my opponents can do ANY of them. I know how to message Republican values to Independents, my wife and I are life-long Jewish Zionists, and we’ve raised multiples of what my opponents have raised from donors, including from some of the biggest Republican donors in the country, most of whom live in our district.

In 2022, Dan Franzese beat Deborah Adeimy in the primary by 130 votes in a recount, even though he outspent her 4 to 1, nearly all his own money. Franzese then got crushed by Frankel in the general election by more than 10%, in a red-wave election where Governor DeSantis won Palm Beach County. Of the 20 Republican candidates who ran in CD-22 in 2022, from school board up to governor, Franzese performed SECOND WORST with Independent voters, winning less than 50%. If either of my competitors win the primary, it will be another blowout election. Lois Frankel will be guaranteed her 7th term in Congress.

As you go to the polls, I hope you will think about these four questions, not just for my race but for all of the races you are being asked to vote on. Let’s elect candidates with strong experience, with good character and who are running for the right reasons. Let’s win in November and let’s fight to save our great country.


Andrew Gutmann


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Andrew Gutmann for Congress