• I vow to be a voice for rescuing our nation’s children from political indoctrination in their schools and from the teacher's unions who are hellbent on turning them into progressive activists.
  • I vow to be a voice for parents whose rights to guide their children’s education, well-being, and values are under attack from our government and our public school system.
  • I vow to be a voice for free speech and free expression against insidious cancel culture and oppressive censorship brought on by the unholy marriage between the government and Big Tech.
  • I vow to be a voice for sanity against a transgender cult that seeks to mutilate and sterilize our children, destroy girl's and women’s sports, and is hostile to the concepts of basic biology.
  • I vow to be a voice for prudence against the religion of climate alarmism that aims to destroy our economy with childish and counterproductive energy policies.
  • I vow to be a voice for small businesses and their workers who are burdened by stifling regulation and are at the mercy of large monopolistic corporations that are subsidized and favored by the Federal Reserve and our federal government.
  • I vow to be a voice for a robust military, once proud and strong, now underfunded, undermanned, underappreciated, and crumbling due to an infestation of woke ideology.
  • I vow to be a voice for the interests of our country against an elitist and globalist agenda that seeks to eradicate the nation-state and usher in a bureaucratic, technocratic, and totalitarian nightmare.
  • Lastly, I vow to be a voice for returning our republic to the values and ideals on which it was founded.

Will you stand up for American values?

Will you fight to save our children? Join me and together we can secure a bright future for our families and reclaim our great country.



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I'll fight for our rights and ensure our values are upheld.

Andrew Gutmann for Congress