We must defend the values that made America the freest and most prosperous country on earth. This is a fight we must win.

Will you stand up for American values?

Will you fight to save our children? Join me and together we can secure a bright future for our families and reclaim our great country.

Why Andrew is Running for Congress

Two years ago, I wrote a letter and mailed it to every family of my daughter’s New York City private school, the Brearley School. In that letter I expressed a series of objections, most importantly, to the school’s obsession with race and identity, and to its sweeping mission change after the summer of 2020.

Brearley had been a school devoted to the highest levels of academic achievement, to free speech and open discourse, and to the development of intellectually curious and courageous girls. Seemingly overnight, Brearley transformed into a political institution hellbent on turning its students into progressive activists.

I never expected my letter to be read by anyone other than the parents of the 656 families to whom I sent it, but it went viral. My words were read by millions of people across America and they helped ignite what we now call the parent’s movement and the fight against woke education. At the time, I also made a promise to the thousands of people who had read my letter and reached out to me. I would be as strong a voice for their children and grandchildren as I had been for my own daughter.

I put my other professional interests on hold and pledged to continue the fight to restore proper education for our children. For the past two years, I have worked to help form a grassroots movement of parents to fight the woke takeover of our education system. I have helped educate parents through my writing and media appearances, through one-on-one conversations and talks to parent groups, and by way of my podcast, Take Back Our Schools. I have also helped guide parents in their battles with their public school districts and their children’s private schools.

While we have made progress fighting to rid our schools of indoctrination and advocating for parental rights, the past two years has also revealed that our country is in crises. Woke ideology has not just infected our schools and universities, but has also infiltrated and co-opted our corporations and media, our arts and cultural institutions, our healthcare and legal systems, and our military and federal government. Free speech, meritocracy, individual rights, objectivity and capitalism are all under attack by divisive and illiberal forces.

Moreover, the challenges we face are not limited to the culture war. Americans have lost faith in democracy and have experienced brazen censorship from our own government and Big Tech. Inflation is high, income inequality is rising, and small businesses are under relentless pressure. We face rising global threats with a hollowed-out military, and we have an incoherent foreign policy and a disastrous immigration policy.

Americans are desperate for leaders who will address these challenges head-on, who will not cave to the woke mob, and who will speak truthfully, seriously, and courageously. Two years ago, I wrote that letter to my fellow Brearley parents out of duty. Now I am running for Congress out of that same sense of duty. It is my duty to fight to reclaim the education of our children and to preserve the values that made America the freest and most prosperous country the world has ever seen. 



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I'll fight for our rights and ensure our values are upheld.

Andrew Gutmann for Congress